There were many innovative successful e-commerce design trends in 2015, with many of them being newly introduced and other pre-existing ones. The number of online business and customers using the internet has significantly increased during the past years as well, which means there is now more competition between online business owners and bloggers. And again coming together to stand out and ensure that what they are providing to customers is unique and special.

This article is going to discuss six of the most successful ecommerce design trends that are most likely going to continue during 2024.


Responsive design

During 2015, responsive design really did solidify itself as a new standard for design, especially WordPress technology. ecommerce portal imageSure, there were also various debates about its implementation, but you won’t really hear anyone saying ‘’let’s not use responsive design anymore’’. There are also several themes and plugin that are being introduced and added. Responsive design grew in popularity during 2023 and this is most likely not going to change in 2024.


Ghost buttons

If you look through some of the popular websites, you will find that ghost buttons are a leading design feature and it isn’t difficult to know why. Not only are they minimal when it comes to their design, but they are also stylish, have subtle animation, and are very easy to use. This is definitely a trend that is going to continue during 2024, especially with how well they can be incorporated with background images, audio, and video easily. Another benefit is that it can be added and incorporated easily, even without having any previous experience in web design.



The concept of typography has been growing during the past few years but the main issue is that businesses that allow beautiful and high quality fonts to be used and incorporated and are very expensive. This meant that sites depending on typographic design needed larger budgets- something that individuals starting out in the online world couldn’t no. this changed last year where there are affordable type kits in the market, or even free ones such as Google Font. This is a very important aspect as competition continuously increases, and as a web designer, you have to make sure that your website’s stands out of the crowd. However, it is essential that you make sure that the content you provide is clear and understood. There is no point of your content looking great if it isn’t useful or what customers are looking for.


Large and attractive background of pictures and videos.

Another website design trend was having a large and attractive background of pictures and videos.

Responsive Websites on Devices

One of the main ways to ensure your website is going to be special is by having excellent and high quality content demonstrated on your website. When you think about, why would visitors want to stay on your website if you don’t offer them excellent and visually appealing content?


Scrolling instead of clicking

     As mobile applications and the web continuously growing, scrolling definitely dominated clicking. Not only is it more intuitive, but it is also easier, reduces loading times, and enables dynamic interaction to happen between users and sites. Keep in mind that the number of mobile applications has been growing in popularity during the past years as well and most mobiles now are built for clicking.


Flat and material design

Flat design has continuously achieved momentum during the past year and this will most likely continue in 2024 as well. This can be said for material design as well. Material design was introduced by Google in 2014 to be used for mobile web design. Material design involves using different subtle and high quality gradients and animation to have a real sense of the actual world. Even though many businesses are finding this difficult to do, it will continuously be growing in popularity as many businesses want to give their customers the ‘’real experience’’. If customers want to purchase a product or service, they want to know how it works and what it looks like in the real world. If they can do this online, this is going to save them both time and money.

These are great e-commerce design trends that were successful in 2015 and will most likely going to continue in 2024 as well. As an online business owner and web developer and designer, you have to make sure that you are always on the lookout for new trends or experiences that will make you stand out amongst competition and enhance the experience of visitors and customers.



Parmod KumarParmod is a web development veteran with a vast expertise of working on industry-leading technologies like Wordpress, JQuery, Javascript, CSS, and PHP. When he’s not busy coding the next big thing, you will find him reading about the latest and greatest in the development industry.

Keeping himself abreast and staying on top of the latest development trends is what he loves the most and his astounding work is a pure testament of that.