There are many things one should keep in mind before choosing ones’ out sourcing partner .Some of these are as follows-

The task of outsourcing your web development project to an offshore web development company involves various considerations. And if not checked thoroughly, can prove hazardous to your business. You may get the work done at cheaper price. The foremost area where you have to focus on is the quality which a new startup or an inexperienced company lack.-

Make sure to verify the work that has been done by the company for you. Ensure that the work provided by them is not copied from others using web based copy protection software. You need to ensure that you are getting authenticated work and not some others work, misused by your outsourcing partner.

To avoid the risk in the future, it is always better to establish a conversation with a managerial head to collect an idea about the team’s capability to execute your requirement in a correct manner, for your satisfaction. While you outsource your web development needs to a firm situated offshore hiring, you must ensure that the professionals there be familiar with the proper usage of keywords. Also, tell them, if they are not acquainted with the strategy most favored for the website, that is to put up an article on the website for its promotion and to keep it updated.-

After your work done by them is delivered to you by your outsourcing partner doesn’t mean that they still have the right to use it to further their own purposes. This is under your proprietorship. So, ensure that they do not use it in the form of samples or incorporate it in their portfolio without your knowledge. This is a crucial aspect that you must discuss at the very onset of your tie-up with you outsourcing partner.

You have your own security policy. So do not avoid mentioning each and every aspect concerning security in your contract, whether it is about corroborating data classification ensuring data security. This will separate routine data from sensitive data for keeping it secured. And this would ensure safety of your data against data theft- Last but not the least, check whether the company you are going to outsource your web development needs has commendable intellectual property fortification regulation or not to assist in steering clear of future mix-ups. Also, verify that the company has adequate provisions for database monitoring gateways as well as application layer fire walls. This would ensure preserving of sensitive data as well as safeguarding against exposure and misuse. The above points may sound very generic to you or you may not find it very crucial but trust me, these are points which must be verified before outsourcing website development to an offshore outsourcing company.


Parmod KumarParmod is a web development veteran with a vast expertise of working on industry-leading technologies like Wordpress, JQuery, Javascript, CSS, and PHP. When he’s not busy coding the next big thing, you will find him reading about the latest and greatest in the development industry.

Keeping himself abreast and staying on top of the latest development trends is what he loves the most and his astounding work is a pure testament of that.