Link building is crucial to rank for most competitive search terms and is one of the cornerstones of Search Engine Optimization. Wrong way of doing link building can quickly get your website into  difficulty and many business and websites have gone from top position of SERP’s to almost down overnight, just because of wrong link building strategies,  hire a supreme linking building service company.

Like anything else, this has lead to plenty of weird myths about link building swirling  like anything across social media, forums and SEO blogs from many  years.  To make the most out of link building , you should educate yourself about these crazy and weird myths and use link building to have a great internet marketing experience. 

Here is a list, dispelling the weird link building myths that need to die in 2023:

Weird Link Building Myths


  • It is just for Specialists

Whether you are new to online internet marketing or you are established and thinking of adopting link building but you are scared with the fact that it is a  difficult task meant for specialist, then you are completely wrong. Link building is something very easy, simple and new markets can achieve it.   All you need is a little training and you are all set to go.

  • It will attract Spammers

There are many people doubtful about linking out because they are worried that this can attract malicious people and spammers to their websites. But the reality is very different, make sure you have reliable security system and quality content and no one will ever interfere in your business.

  • It is purely about spreading and building links

This is a biggest myth people have about link building and is not true at all. Link building is an effective marketing strategy and if done properly, can add a lot of value to your business and build a brand. This is a very different and bigger picture marketers should see beyond the links.

  • It will get you Penalized

This is absolutely not true. Until you built something additionally, terribly and spammy shocking, google and other search engines will never penalize you for link building. Develop high quality content through high quality links and also avoid  linking yourself with  spam and terrible links that breaks the Google regulations.

  • Link building should be done manually

Is that true ? No absolutely not. Unlike earlier, in the past times, where link building is done with the help of webmaster or manually, but today in this digital era, you don’t have to build links manually, you can let them naturally lead your website.  All you can do is, create good content and there will be countless inbound links.


These were some weird link building myths you should ignore. Link building is often known as being one of the top and best strategies for gaining online exposure.   In case you want seek or enquire more Link building, you can get in touch with us !




Pushpendra ShuklaPushpendra is a highly innovative and passionate marketer working in the field of Digital Marketing for over 10 years now. He has been a witness to the evolution of SEO and Internet Marketing practices and has adapted his strengths to provide the best solutions to his clients.

He is highly detailed and result driven when it comes down to creating strategies for complex projects. His indepth understanding of Technical SEO gives him an upper hand while optimizing websites that help in achieving the desired results.

In his free time, Pushpendra likes to write about updates and techniques of SEO for readers looking to understand the world of SEO. He actively participates in discussions about current affairs in and around the world.