Crowdsourced Testing Services
The main factors which plays a crucial role in making a product successful in the market are global outreach, cutting edge designs, user friendly nature and quick time to market accessibility. The constituents that makes Crowdsource testing popular are the flexibility, cost effectiveness and the scale. IT Chimes have earned a name by delivering the best crowd testing service for the global clients.
Advantages of crowd sourced testing
- The perspective of different people, which helps to keep the user base updated.
- A large number of options are available for testing.
- Crowd sources helps to draw in a number of people with varied abilities under one roof.
- Proper testing by this method can reduce the overall quality cost.
Reasons to choose IT Chimes
- Our testers are available at your service 24*7. This means no matter in what timezone the client is in, the work will get delivered within the deadline.
- IT Chimes have earned a name is providing the best crowdsourced testing service in a short notice, with efficient results.
- We work with a large crowd of testers, which provides ensurity of the products being tested in real life situations and also on a number of hardwares and softwares.

Frequently Asked Questions
In crowdsource testing, companies engage a global pool of testers who use their own devices to test the software. Testers are provided with specific tasks or scenarios to execute, and they report bugs or issues through a central platform. The crowd’s diverse experiences help uncover a variety of issues that might not be identified in a traditional testing environment.
- Diverse Test Coverage: Crowdsource testing provides access to a wide range of devices, operating systems, and real-world conditions.
- Cost-Effective: It often costs less than maintaining a full-time in-house testing team.
- Scalability: Testing can be scaled up or down quickly depending on the project needs.
- Real-World Feedback: Since testers are real users, the feedback and issues reported are more reflective of actual user experiences.
Crowdsource testing can be applied to various types of software, including mobile apps, websites, desktop applications, IoT devices, and even video games. It’s particularly useful for consumer-facing applications where user experience is critical.
Testers are typically selected based on their demographics, device types, and experience relevant to the software being tested. Some platforms allow companies to hand-pick testers, while others use algorithms to match testers to projects.
- Quality Control: Ensuring the quality of testing can be challenging with a diverse crowd.
- Data Security: Managing and securing sensitive data when it is accessed by a large group of testers.
- Coordination: It can be difficult to coordinate tasks and manage communication with a large number of testers.
Traditional testing typically involves a dedicated, in-house team working under controlled conditions. Crowdsource testing, on the other hand, leverages a distributed group of testers from various locations to test in real-world environments. This approach often uncovers different types of issues that might not be found in a lab setting.
While crowdsource testing is beneficial for many types of projects, it may not be suitable for highly sensitive or confidential projects due to security concerns. It is also less effective for projects that require deep domain knowledge or specialized skills.
Companies use specialized platforms to manage crowdsource testing results. These platforms typically provide dashboards where bugs are logged, prioritized, and tracked. Testers are often compensated based on the quality and impact of the issues they find.
Popular crowdsource testing platforms include Applause, uTest, Testbirds, and Bugcrowd. These platforms provide access to a global network of testers and tools for managing the testing process.